By Suryc Nayr
Master R (Rakoczi)
My rendition of the Master R
My rendition of the Master R (oil on canvas) who is mentioned in Theosophical literature generally as the Master Saint Germaine but it seems that he now prefers to be known as the Master R. It is mentioned in the Alice B. Bailey works by the Master D.K. that the Master R now holds the position of the Mahachohan. He is a Master on the 7th Ray, Master of all the great mantra and ritual. He is very active today in the West. Many people seem to have lost faith in these great Masters and think, for some reason, that their time has past. Not at all! They are very active but on the inner planes inspiring and instructing those who are open, disciplined, and have faith unmoveable for the Great Work at hand.
The teachings given through the books of Alice A Bailey are a springboard for those who are ready to awaken past esoteric knowledge, which cannot always be shared. If you read in my book, Living on the Inner Edge, I tell of the coming of the Master R, and his giving our small group a Word of Power(mantra), which when chanted immediately connected the group to him and the inner ashram. Because of this fact, I can only share this mantra with those disciples the Master R tells me to, thus are the rules of the inner Ashram. From this one Sacred mantra which is in Sanskrit, the door to greater knowledge and inner contacts have come, but again it is very limited what can be given out to the public. A mantra given by a Master of Wisdom has a tremendous potent force, probably 80% greater than if you listen to a mantra on YouTube. Unless you’ve experienced it, it is hard to imagine the difference. The disciple has to be ready to handle the impact of the shakti of a mantra from a Master. The Master R is an expect in both mantra and ritual.